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Kindness Certified Companies

Kindness Certified Companies (KCC) are good to their people, community, planet and world.

Expanding upon our successful Great Kindness Challenge — and in partnership with trailblazing Chambers of Commerce — we recognize upstanding companies and provide meaningful opportunities to elevate their commitment to kindness.

Together – with our families, schools, businesses and nonprofit partners – we bring our community together and propel the kindness movement forward.


Why Become a Kindness Certified Company?

  • Associate your company with higher values and ideals

  • Reinforce your positive brand by joining in with Kids for Peace and your Chamber of Commerce to elevate the role of kindness in business

  • Improve organizational culture by fostering a kind, positive, inclusive and respectful workplace environment

  • Build relationships and connect with like-minded companies

  • Increase exposure by being featured on the Kids for Peace and participating Chamber of Commerce websites

  • Attract and retain talent – Who wouldn’t want to work for a Kindness Certified Company?!

  • Build relationships and connect with like-minded companies

  • Propel the kindness movement forward with businesses, nonprofits, schools and families coming together for kindness

Annual Self-Certification Fee

The Kindness Certified Company Certification fee directly supports The Great Kindness Challenge, a bullying prevention program for youth from PreK through High School. Your ongoing annual support allows us to offer this evidence-based program to 41,000+ schools at no cost!

Your Kindness Certified Company seal is a badge of honor.

Your Kindness Certified Company seal is a badge of honor. It signifies not only your commitment to KCC values within your organization but also your support for this impactful kindness program. Thanks to you, over 20 million youth annually practice kindness and compassion, transforming their schools and communities into kinder, more respectful environments.

Supporter Level

 chamber members with any number of employees

Multilingual Functionality

Advocate Level

 0 - 25 employees

Champion Level

 25 - 100 employees



Partner Level

 100 - 500 employees

24/7 Support

Visionary Level

 500+ employees

Values and Aspirations:

Your Tools, Benefits & More

  • Feature all participating companies on Kids for Peace website

  • Provide bite-size tips and helpful ideas on how to put the Kindness Certified Company values into action

  • Provide annual community service calendar and ideas to promote volunteerism and giving back

  • Provide a business-focused kindness checklist to be part of the annual Great Kindness Challenge

  • Provide a Kindness Certified Company seal & certificate to share (hardcopy & electronic)

Kids for Peace will:

Kindness Certified Company Seal For Online Business Directory Recognition (No Date).png
Electronic Certificate
KCC Seal
Business Edition Kindness Checklist

Your local Kindness Certified Chamber of Commerce will:

  • Feature Kindness Certified Companies on a new dedicated page on their website

  • Recognize as Kindness Certified in the printed Business Resource Guide

  • Recognize companies as Kindness Certified in the online Business Directory

  • Launch a Kind Company Inspiration Award as part of their annual business awards to celebrate leaders in kindness

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